SUN 5 APR "Virtual" Park in the Park
While everyone is in Isolation and we can’t all get together as planned on the 5th April for our Park in the Park.
Instead, we are going to have
Virtual "Park in the Park" for MCV members only
To be part of it you can join in on the “Monaro Club of Victoria Members Only” Facebook page. If you would like to join the page txt or ring the Monaro Helpline 0448 666 276 and we’ll help you join the group.
If you don’t use face book you can email photos through on the day and we’ll add them for you, so you can be included.
Details are Virtual "Park in the Park" In Isolation Photos of your Monaro / non Monaro taken on the day 5th April between 10:00 to 3:00 in your isolation spot ? Backyard, Garage, Shed, Barn, Front yard if not showing your location from the street.
Post your pics on the day in the group event and most likes going to your photo will win in your model Monaro, you choose either Original, Modified or Best In Isolation related display.
We are not asking you to break any regulations. Just have some fun In Isolation What's on offer?
-Community spirit !!
- front page Club Newsletter - group cover photo MCV-MO facebook page Plus lots more
Hope you are well and remember Ph 0448 666 276
There’s always someone to answer the Monaro Hotline if you need help