This year held at Main Ridge “Pig & Whistle Tavern” on top of Arthurs Seat at 365 Purves Road Main Ridge
Come enjoy a two course Christmas roast and dessert for $35.00. “Financial Club members will be subsidised $10 off their meal cost”
We will have a cruise from Baxter to the bottom of Arthurs Seat carpark where we will regroup, then all drive up Arthurs Seat together and getting some video footage of the convoy.
Arriving at Pig & Whistle around 11:45 we’ll park out the back of the Tavern on the grass area, one Monaro will be drawn out on the day to be in next year’s calendar featuring Club events throughout 2018.
Cruise meeting point: Penlink BP servo on Peninsula Freeway Baxter, be there at 10:30am ( leaving 11:00 )
After lunch a few options to visit on the road back to Arthurs Seat
Charlie’s Auto Museum at Main Ridge, 185 Purves Road, Enchanted Adventure Gardens, 55 Purves Road, Seawinds Gardens, Purves Rd. Arthurs Seats
Or maybe coffee at Arthurs Seat " Eagle Chairlift".
Please Contact Marlene 0422 920 406 for catering numbers to book your spot.