Monaros Out West Halls Gap Weekend
May Event 18th, 19th, 20th
“Comfort Inn Country Plaza Halls Gap” will be our base and are offering special prices on accommodation. Please phone them direct on (03-5356 4344) or email them at to book in...and mention "Monaro's Out West".
We will be having a Continental Breakfast on Saturday and a Fully Cooked Breakfast on Sunday. This will be added to your room total when booking.
FRIDAY 18th May
Early arrivals - Meet and Greet - Halls Gap Hotel – 2262 Grampians Rd, Halls Gap from 6pm onwards with bar Meals available.
- Entrants pay their own.
A Continental breakfast is available (Added to your room total when booking)
Leave Motel for Stawell at 9.30... Headed for the Hall of Fame where we will have a guided tour at 10am (pay own entry fee on arrival) this will be followed by a visit to the Pickers Market, leaving from here at 12.30 for Barney’s at Pomonal - Entrants to pay own.
Free Time before
Dinner at 6.30pm at "The Dining Room Country Plaza"
SUNDAY 20th May
A Fully cooked breakfast is available (Added to your room total when booking)
We will leave the motel at 10am for the Halls Gap Zoo (Entry is included in your entry fee) BBQ lunch (also included in your entry fee)
Leave from the Zoo at your own leisure.